Question Title

* How confident are you that you can:

  Not at all Confident Somewhat Confident Very Confident Extremely Confident Not Applicable to Me
Explain why you chose your strand theme for your general education curriculum (i.e., Conflict, Citizenship, Sustainability, etc.)
Identify campus resources to support your academic success
Create an educational plan (potential course schedule) for the next two semesters
Relate your interests and abilities to possible educational/career options
Identify career/educational opportunities related to your major/interests (i.e., Study Abroad, Undergraduate Research, etc.)
Access your degree progression/DegreeWorks
Self-select courses for the following semester
Explain the components of your academic map (general education and major courses)
Explain the registration process including drop/add and withdrawal
Relate your interests and abilities (strengths) to your chosen major
25% of survey complete.