Question Title

* 1. Do you participate in any of the following activities?

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* 2. Do you use or participate in any of the following public services and resources?

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* 3. In your opinion, how valuable are the following activities for supporting our local economy?

  Very Valuable Neutral Not Valuable
Holding local business roundtables to discuss current conditions, challenges and opportunities
Promoting local businesses and non-profits through the “buy local” campaign
Recognizing local businesses for “going green”
Providing incentives for companies to locate, maintain or expand their business in Hagerstown

Question Title

* 4. How concerned are you about any of the following issues?

  Very Concerned Neutral Not Concerned
Pet waste
Eroded and polluted streams
Not enough trees
Overuse of pesticides or fertilizers
Drinking water quality
Air quality
Cost of electricity
Cost of fuel used for transportation
Environmental impacts of using nonrenewable energy (coal, nuclear, natural gas or oil)
Greenhouse gas emissions generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil or natural gas)
Possible local impacts from climate change (such as increased frequency of severe storms, heat waves or droughts)

Question Title

* 5. Did you know that the following items CAN be recycled in Hagerstown’s single-stream recycling program?

  Yes No
Paper towel rolls and cardboard
Phone books and junk mail
Milk cartons and juice boxes
Empty aerosol cans
Rinsed detergent and bleach containers
Plastic containers with symbols 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (milk bottles, water bottles, detergent bottles, shampoo bottles, bleach bottles, etc.)
Clear, brown, or green glass

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* 6. Have you used any of the following to properly dispose of household hazardous materials or electronics?

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* 7. How well are Hagerstown’s trash and recycling programs communicated and understood?

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* 8. What priority should Hagerstown place on the following actions to create a more sustainable

  Low Priority
2 Neutral 3 4 High Priority
Buy local campaigns
Programs to fight obesity
Provide more Recreation Programs*
Provide an annual collection day disposal of electronics
Provide an annual collection day disposal of tires
Provide access to healthy, locally-grown foods
Promote walkable and mixed use neighborhoods
Preserve historic buildings
Promote alternative transportation options (such as walking, biking, bus)
Increase the use of fuel efficient or alternative fuel vehicles (hybrids, electric, biodiesel, compressed natural gas, etc.)
Reduce energy consumed by homes, businesses and Hagerstown government
Increase green building practices used in new construction and retrofits
Develop and implement programs to promote the use of alternative energy such as solar power
Improve stormwater management and community watershed stewardship (stream cleanups, monitoring, pollution prevention)
Develop small pocket parks
Replace street lights with energy efficient LED’s

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* 9. If wanting more Recreational Programming, what types of programs are you looking for?

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* 10. Do you live within Hagerstown city limits?

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* 11. Do you rent or own your home?

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* 12. How long have you lived in Hagerstown?

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* 13. Do you work in Hagerstown?

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* 14. Would you like to share your email address for any of the following? (optional)

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* 15. If you would like to receive emails, please provide name and email address.