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* 1. What is your profession?

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* 2. In which type of centre do you work?

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* 3. How many years have you been involved in the management of bleeding disorders?

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* 4. What is your gender?

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* 6. Do you screen for very rare coagulation factor deficiencies in the diagnostic work up of patients with a bleeding tendency? Definition of very rare coagulation factor deficiency is as follows: a/hypofibrinogenemia, Dysfibrinogenemia, FII deficiency, FV deficiency, FV & FVIII deficiency, FVII & FX deficiency, FVII deficiency, FX deficiency, FXI deficiency, FXIII deficiency and Hereditary combined deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors.

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* 7. Do you have lab facilities with appropriate assays to screen for VRCFD in your hospital?

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* 8. Do you perform genetic analysis to confirm the underlying genetic pathophysiological variant in the VRCFD from question 7?

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* 9. Which patients with a very rare coagulation factor deficiency (VRCFD) receive a general treatment plan?

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* 10. Which patients with a very rare coagulation factor deficiency (VRCFD) receive a peri-surgical treatment plan?

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* 11. Do you give these patients also a special emergency card with their diagnosis in combination with a general emergency treatment plan and the HCT emergency number?

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* 12. Do you provide follow up visits for these patients in your centre?

Question Title

* 13. How many children do you treat in your centre for the below cases? Please provide a rough estimation, exact numbers are not expected.
Please, note if you treat adults, you can complete with a 0.

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* 14. How many patients are treated in your HTC with regular prophylactic therapy, with

Question Title

* 15. Which hemostastic products do you give patients with a

  Tranexamic acid Fibrinogen concentrate Fresh Frozen Plasma / omniplasma / pooled plasma Cryoprecipitate PCC (prothrombin complex concentrate) Platelet transfusion Recombinant FVIIa Plasma-derived FVII Plasma derived FXI concentrate Plasma-derived factor XIII concentrate Recombinant factor XIII concentrate
Dysfibrinogenemia (increased bleeding tendency)
FII deficiency
FV deficiency
FVII deficiency
FXI deficiency
FXIII deficiency

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* 16. How often do you see VRCFD patients in the outward patient clinic? Multiple options are possible.

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* 17. Do you pursue family screening after diagnosing a child with a severe VRCFD (factor activity level <10%)?

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* 18. Do you pursue family screening after diagnosing an adult with a severe VRCFD (factor activity level <10%)?

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* 19. Do you pursue family screening after diagnosing a child with a mild VRCFD (Factor activity level >10-50%)

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* 20. Do you pursue family screening after diagnosing an adult with a mild VRCFD (Factor activity level >10-50%)

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* 21. Which family members are invited for screening for a VRCFD?

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* 22. Are there any ongoing clinical trials (observational, interventional) for VRCFD patients?

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* 23. Do you prioritize clinical trials for VRCFD patients?