Welcome to the ITCN CCDF Parent Survey

Thank you for participating in our program.  Your feedback is important.

If you have not reviewed the Parent Orientation Slideshow, please visit out website at itcnccdf.org, click "Our Program" at the top of the page, and select "Parent Orientation" from the drop down menu. Please read and review the ITCN CCDF Parent Orientation in its entirety before beginning the Parent Survey.  If you feel knowledgeable about the ITCN CCDF Program, and are ready to take the test, please select Next to continue.

You will be asked a series of multiple choice questions regarding the ITCN CCDF Parent Orientation.  Please read all answers carefully, and choose the answer that best corresponds to each question.  It is important to know about the program, eligibility requirements, reiumbursement process, and documents needed to remain in good standing with the ITCN CCDF Program.

It is your responsibility, as a parent, to read, review and understand all information, as it pertains to your child care subsidy.  

No reimbursements will be made until the ITCN CCDF Parent Orientation has been read, this test has been taken, and a copy of your test results have been electronically submitted to your Case Manager.  If you fail to answer any of the questions, or if more then half of the questions you have submitted are wrong, you will be asked to take the test again.  

Please read each question carefully, and choose the best answer.

If you are ready to begin, select Next...