Pubwatch Online Survey 2024 Introduction About this surveyNational Pubwatch has commissioned independent researchers from Leeds Business School at Leeds Beckett University to undertake a study to evaluate the effectiveness of local Pubwatch Schemes.A key element of the study is a survey of people involved in running Pubwatch schemes – this includes licensees and staff, Local Authority staff, police, and people representing other organisations that sit on a Pubwatch scheme committee. This questionnaire is not surveying customers: we have done data collection with customers separately.The aim of the survey is to establish how schemes operate, how effective they are and what impacts they have had on crime reduction and community safety.If you are not the most appropriate person in your scheme or organisation to complete this survey, please forward it to any colleagues who you think could respond. (More than one person in an organisation can respond if they are involved.) Please also share the link with other members of your Pubwatch scheme who might not have received it in the same way you did - we want as many responses as possible.The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. You can stop at any point if you wish. You must submit the form at the end for your answers to be captured. Once the survey is submitted the data cannot be removed.How we handle your dataThe results will be written up into a report for National Pubwatch, which will be made publicly available on the NPW website. Results may also be presented at the National Pubwatch Conference or turned into an academic journal paper. The anonymous data may also be made available for other researchers to review.The data will be stored electronically on the University's servers as per its guidelines and the Data Protection Act (2018). The legal basis for processing the data is Article 6(1) (e) ... "processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest". In this case, the task is academic research. This research has been approved under Leeds Beckett University’s Research Ethics Policy, ref: 135200 and 124603. Should you have any concerns or questions, please contact Dr Alex Kenyon at . If you have any ethical concerns and wish to speak to someone not involved in the research, please contact the Business School's ethics rep, Dr Greg Barnes, at . The University's privacy information can be found here: Thank you for reading this and considering participation in this research project. You will not be asked to give any personal information that can identify you. Next