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* 1. After this session, please rate how your level of confidence changed.

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* 2. There are an estimated 30.3 million individuals in the US with diabetes, many of whom lack access to specialized care. According to a recent Association of American Medical Colleges report, approximately how many active US physicians specialize in endocrinology, diabetes, and/or metabolism?

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* 3. Which of the following is true with regard to the relationship between GLP-1 RA duration and associated changes in FPG and PPG?

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* 4. According to current AACE/ACE guidelines, what is the LDL-C target level for a patient with very high ASCVD risk?

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* 5. Approximately what percentage of patients with T2DM report that they are trying to lose weight?

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* 6. Which of the following medications would you be most likely to prescribe for a patient with T2DM, established CAD and CKD, and history of HF?