Agrosym 2017 Post-evaluation survey

100% of survey complete.
Dear distinguished colleagues and friends,

The following survey aims to collect your feedback and opinions regarding the 8th edition of the International Agricultural symposium Agrosym 2017. Answers will be used only and exclusively for the purpose of improving the next edition of Agrosym.
It will take you 5 min to answer all questions.
Thank you for your kind collaboration
Best regards.

Sinisa Berjan & Noureddin Driouech
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees


☺ Please complete the entire questionnaire before submission. This will only take you a few minutes.
☺ Please note that the questionnaire should be filled in entirely and then submitted, otherwise information will be lost.
☺ Use the scroll bar to reveal the remaining questions as you move towards the end of the questionnaire.
☺ Please be assured that all information provided will remain anonymous and confidential.
☺ The fields marked with asterix (*) are obligatory.
☺ After completion, press the 'Done' button to submit the questionnaire.
☺ Should you press the 'Next' button without completing all obligatory fields, you will be redirected to the questionnaire to fill in the missing fields for a valid submission.
☺ Alternatively, you may use the 'Exit the survey' button at any time to exit the questionnaire before submission.

All your replies will be treated in confidence. Please be frank ☺
Thank you very much for your collaboration.

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how would you rate the Agrosym 2017?

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* 2. How did you get information (from which channel..?) about Agrosym Event?

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* 3. What did you like about Agrosym 2017?

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* 4. What did you dislike about Agrosym 2017?

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* 5. How unique was Agrosym 2017?

Question Title

* 6. Was Agrosym 2017 length too long, too short, or about right?

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* 7. How organized was Agrosym 2017?

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* 8. How friendly were organizers?

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* 9. How helpful were organizers?

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* 10. Did you get all information needed and assistance before Agrosym event?

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* 11. How useful were the information presented at Agrosym 2017?

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* 12. How would you rate the social events (i.e. excursion, gala dinner etc.)?

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* 13. How would you rate the venue/location?

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* 14. How likely are you to recommend the next Agrosym event to a friend?

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* 15. Do you have any improvement recommendations for the Scientific committee and/or the Organizing Committee regarding the next edition of the symposium "Agrosym 2017"?

Question Title

* 16. What are the two or three most important issues or challenges that could be of your interest for future Agrosym symposia
( e.g. half-day on training in general research skills (good quality research, presentation skills and scientific writing skills).
Please list at least 1 issue

Question Title

* 17. To receive the survey outcomes, Agrosym updates and much more Please tell us something about you and update your info record!
(N.B.: Your answer are confidential and his/her name will not be disclosed to anyone or anywhere)