Booking Information

For 2024 year, the dates available include: December 23rd - 31st (With a half day on December 24th and closed on the 25th) and December 26th - 31st. You can either book 23rd - 31st or 26th - 31st. We cannot accommodate shorter bookings.

Question Title

* 1. Business Name (As it should appear on your invoice)

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* 2. Trading Name (As it would appear in any publicity material we may issue)

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* 3. First Name

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* 4. Surname

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* 5. Contact Details

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* 6. Please provide us with the name and contact details for the person managing your stand on site if it differs from you own details provided above.

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* 7. For 2024, the "Post Christmas" dates available include: December 23rd, a half day on December 24th and December 26th - 31st. Please select which trading dates you would prefer