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* There is no registration fee for attending this PDM program; however, seating may be limited. To preregister for How Policy, Guidelines, and the Media Challenge Patient Access to Opioid Pain Management: Shifting the Focus From Politics to Patients, please complete the following information:

  • This PDM is neither sponsored by nor endorsed by PAINWeek®
  • This program does not offer CE/CME credits

Consistent with reporting obligations, including but not limited to the Federal Physician Payment Sunshine Act, Pernix Therapeutics is required to publicly disclose all items of value provided to healthcare providers. By attending this PDM program, you are accepting the disclosure of the cost of the meal.

Healthcare providers licensed in Minnesota or Vermont are welcome to participate in this PDM program, but we regret that healthcare providers from these states are required to sign an opt-out waiver and may not partake in the meal due to state law prohibitions.