Please complete the following information before Thursday 8th June. Places are limited.

Question Title

* Name

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* Age:

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* Parental Consent is required if under 18yrs (Parent/Guardian name) 

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* Mobile Phone No. 

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* Email: 

Question Title

* Please identify any Medical Conditions/Special Requirements we need to know

Question Title

* I understand there is a fee of €5 to be paid on the day for this event (Sunday Family Session at 3pm is free) 

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* Please select the session you would like as your first preference - places are limited and will be served on a first come first served basis. Age restrictions apply.

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* If attending the Sunday 3pm Session please let us know if you are bring any children under 10 years with you for the Fun Cycling Skills and Drills - They must bring a bike and helmet -
Children under 10 years will not be allowed on the water for safety reasons.