Application to Co-Instruct FEMA 273 Course

ASFPM is working with our chapters and state contacts to co-host multiple offerings of FEMA’s 273 course, “Managing Floodplain Development Through the NFIP” followed by the CFM® Exam, starting June 1, 2020 through Calendar year 2020.

ASFPM seeks qualified instructors to co-instruct a four-day (Monday – Thursday) FEMA 273 course followed by the CFM Exam on the 5th (Friday) day. Selected instructors (except state/federal government employees) will be paid a stipend not to exceed $3,000 + travel expenses intended to cover instructor preparation time, course delivery (4-days) , round-trip transportation to the course location, accommodations, and meals during travel / course, and for post-course reporting. Participants will not be charged a registration fee to attend the course.

ASFPM (with assistance from Chapter / State co-host) will:
  • Provide contract instructors project stipend not to exceed $3,000 +travel stipend for course preparation, delivery, transportation, room and board, and post-course reporting,
  • Provide at least course 2 instructors,
  • Coordinate course logistics with instructors and local co-hosts,
  • Provide course facility, necessary audio visual equipment, and refreshments,
  • Provide Instructor materials prior to the course,
  • Provide student course manuals, exercises, presentation materials, and certificates of completion,
  • Register attendees,
  • Promote the event with in the host state, via email, newsletter posts and in social media, and
  • Offer CFM Exam on Friday following the course.

A preview of the application questions can be found here: Please note, only online responses will be accepted. It may be helpful for applicants to review the questions prior to beginning the application to help make the information readily available when entering your responses.

Question Title

* 1. I have previewed the application using the link above, and am ready to submit my instructor application at this time.