Connect membership feedback for NSW Department of Planning and Environment workshop

This survey will provide Connect membership input into the conversation started by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment Workshop in the Connect Transport Working Group held on 27 October 2016 as part of the Macquarie Park Investigation.
Your feedback will help inform the Investigation Discussion Paper.

Question Title

* 1. If you would like your answers identified - please leave your contact details below - or just leave this question blank.

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* 2. What is your vision for Macquarie Park and North Ryde?

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* 3. Which planning tools and tactics will enable us to achieve this vision?
Rate the level of importance of each choice (1 - least important to 10 - most important)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Public transport - bus infrastructure and timetables
Public transport - train infrastructure and timetables
Private transport - reduction of private car traffic congestion
Private transport - car parking availability
Pedestrian and vehicle accessibility - footpaths and roads
Provision of amenities - eg. restaurants, retail and public open spaces
Planning legislation and development controls
Market demand for office space
Financial feasibility of developments

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* 4. Rate the significance of the Sydney Metro as a catalyst for change in Macquarie Park and North Ryde?
(1 - low significance to 10 - high significance)

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* 5. Rate the attractiveness of the following features of Macquarie Park and North Ryde to your business.
(1 - lowest to 10 - highest)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Location of Macquarie Park and North Ryde in NSW
Office and Property Rental Prices
Focus on Medical and Technology businesses
Low density and large office floor space
Private transport - vehicle on-site parking and accessibility
Public transport - train and bus infrastructure and accessibility
Connection to Macquarie University and Hospital
Connection to Macquarie Centre
The Urban Renewal projects at Herring Road and North Ryde

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* 6. How supportive is your business in converting Macquarie Park and North Ryde from low-density to high-density commercial office space?
(1 - not supportive to 10 - very supportive)

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* 7. How supportive is your business in converting Macquarie Park and North Ryde into mixed-use development instead of commercial business core?
(1 - not supportive to 10 - very supportive)

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* 8. How supportive is your business in having residential next to office space?
(1 - not supportive to 10 - very supportive)

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* 9. How important is it for opportunities and space to be provided for small start-ups in Macquarie Park and North Ryde?
(1 - not important, 10 - very important)

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* 10. Does Macquarie Park and North Ryde need a new focal point (eg. Town Centre)?

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* 11. What are the best methods of fostering collaboration between businesses? (more than one answer allowed)