Poll Worker Application Form

Thank you for your interest in serving in the November 5, 2024 Consolidated General Election!

Poll workers play a vital role in upholding the democratic process. On Election Day, you will serve voters at one of our 501 polling places in the City and protect election integrity. We provide training and necessary materials to ensure that you are well-equipped to fulfill responsibilities on Election Day.
Key Poll Worker Responsibilities:
  • Setting Up the Polling Place (6 a.m.): Prepare the polling place according to the specific site layout, ensuring polls open by 7 a.m.
  • Voter Check-In and Ballot Issuing: Use a precinct roster to check in voters accurately and provide them with the appropriate ballots.
  • Troubleshooting Voter Issues: Assist voters in resolving any challenges they may encounter during the voting process, including technical issues. Contact the Election Day Call Center for help when needed.
  • Ballot Drop-Offs: Accept ballot drop-offs from voters throughout the day, ensuring secure handling of the ballots.
  • Closing Procedures: Conclude voting by 8:00 p.m., conduct closing procedures, and responsibly transfer custody of voting materials. Closing procedures generally end around 10:00 p.m.
Upon successful completion of your Election Day assignment, you will receive a stipend ranging from $225 to $295.

Question Title

* 1. Check the following requirements to confirm you are eligible to serve:

*If you are a high school student, please use the High School Poll Worker Application.

**If you are a returning poll worker, please complete the availability form on your Poll Worker Portal.