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Thank you for choosing to work at Sugar Bowl for the 2016 2017 season!

A critical component of improving our resort is to solicit candid feedback from our valued employees about company programs and the quality of work life at  Sugar Bowl | Royal Gorge. In an attempt to respond to your input this season ALL SURVEYS MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN SUNDAY MARCH 24, 2017.

We understand the sensitive nature of your response. We assure you that we will view your comments in a positive and professional manner as we strive to make Sugar Bowl a better resort at which to work and play.

If completing a hard copy of the survey please return in it to Human Resources and place it in the secure lock box located at the reception desk.  In exchange for completing this survey you will receive a scratcher. Thank you for your thoughtful participation.   

Question Title

* 1. Why did you choose to work at Sugar Bowl-Royal Gorge?

Question Title

* 2. How did you learn about the employment opportunities at Sugar Bowl-Royal Gorge or have you worked here before?

Question Title

* 3. If you learned about employment opportunities from a website, please name the site below.

Question Title

* 4. What age bracket are you in?

Question Title

* 5. Did you receive a performance review during the winter season?

Question Title

* 6. What was your primary department this season?

Question Title

* 7. JOB AND DEPARTMENT - Please tell us about your Job and Department:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
My initial departmental job training was effective
Additional trainings were provided during the season
I had the resources to do my job
My job was challenging
My work environment was safe
Safety meetings were effective
My department was adequately staffed
I had good relationships with my co-workers
My rate of pay was appropriate for my job
My uniform was appropriate for my job

Question Title

* 8. MANAGEMENT - Please tell us about your supervisor or manager:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Cared about me as a person
Encouraged cooperation
Gave fair and equal treatment
I connected with the Sugar Bowl | Royal Gorge Core Values
Maintained consistent policies
Provided development opportunities
Provided recognition
Taught me about Sugar Bowl | Royal Gorge's Core Values
Was a strong leader
Was available to discuss issues
Welcomed suggestions

Question Title

* 9. COMPANY COMMUNICATION - Please indicate your satisfaction with the following methods of employee communication we use at Sugar Bowl-Royal Gorge:

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Sugar Bowl Website
Royal Gorge Website
Company Email
Department Meetings
Friday 7:20am Meetings
Information Hotline
Intranet (Internal Website)
Mobile Text Messages
The Bowl Wheel
Employee Handbook
Weekly Safety Meetings

Question Title

* 10. BENEFITS AND ACTIVITIES - Please indicate your satisfaction with the following employee benefits and activities:

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Employee housing
Food discounts
Free / discount tickets to other resorts
Free lessons
Free rentals
Paycheck vouchers for $25 lift tickets
Retail discounts
Seasonal accident insurance
Ski / ride breaks

Question Title

* 11. HUMAN RESOURCES - Please tell us about your interactions with Human Resources:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Orientation was informative
Orientation was interactive
Online Orientation was informative
Online Orientation was effective
HR staff was welcoming and  supportive
HR is efficient with process in procedures

Question Title

* 12. Executive Directors - Please tell us about our Sugar Bowl-Royal Gorge team of Executive Directors:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I know who the Executive Director of my department is
I feel comfortable approaching my Executive Director
I have positive interactions with my Executive Director
I have positive interactions with Executive Director(s) that are not my own
My Executive Director made frequent visits to my department

Question Title

* 13. What other suggestions do you have to make Sugar Bowl-Royal Gorge a better place to work and play?

Question Title

* 14. Based on your employment experience, would you refer Sugar Bowl-Royal Gorge to a friend or Family member as a place to work in the future. Why or Why not?