1. Requesting Plant Contact Information Form 

These evaluations are used by GBRIA members as a way to evaluate a contractor's safety performance.  

The evaluations are also used as the basis of nomination for the GBRIA Contractor Safety Excellence Awards.
The cost of the audits is as follows:
Contractors are usually expected to pay the full evaluations and plants usually pay for the site-specific audits.

$1,000 for a full GBRIA Contractor Safety & Health Evaluation Audit 

$550 for a Corrective Action Plan Follow Up Audit

$Custom Pricing for a Site Specific Criteria audit (a short addendum to the standard audit with your questions provided to us.  For longer audits, an additional fee may be required)

$Custom Pricing for a Training/Skills Verification (contract employee, name specific audit of training records, the plant provides a list of names)

Question Title

* 1. Requesting Plant:

Question Title

* 2. Plant Contact Information: