Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is one of the best indicators of automobile use and its impacts on transportation infrastructure and the environment. From the early 1970s to 2004, driving by U.S. residents grew substantially; VMT per capita increased 60%. Then, three years before the recession, the trend reversed. National VMT per capita declined between 8 and 10%. That trend continued until 2014 when it began to once again increase fueled by a strengthening economy and lower gas prices.

Question Title

* 1. Please identify the generation to which you belong:

Question Title

* 2. For the study area, please indicate which of the following you predict will trend upward (increase), trend downward (decline), or remain stable (no change) between now and 2040. Skip any on which you have no opinion.

Trends marked with * actually work in the opposite direction of VMT change. For example, an increase in telecommuting results in a decrease in VMT per capita. Please indicate the direction in which you think the trend itself will move.

  Trend Downward Remain Stable Trend Upward
Labor Force Participation Rate 
Driving Age Population
Vehicle Ownership Rate
Stricter Drivers Licensing Regulation* 
Fuel Cost per Mile (all forms of fuel)*
Non-Automobile Modal Options (transit, bike, walk)*
GDP and Real Income
Suburban Migration 
Household Formation
Goods and Services Home Delivery
Telecommuting, Teleconferencing*
Social Networking instead of Traveling to an Social Activity*
Shared Mobility Services (includes transit)*
Autonomous Cars (with driver aboard)
Driverless Cars (operating unoccupied on public streets)