Send us your poem!

Up to 14 readers, 1 poem each. Maximum line length: 40. Priority is given to poets who have never read with us before.

This month's theme: Poetic Forms

All readers must send us a short third person bio and the text of their poem as a Word document.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your full name (as you would like it to appear in your bio)

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* 2. Please enter your email address.

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* 3. Please give us a short bio written in the third person (ie. 'she'/'they' not 'I' [50-100 words max] about you and your poetry.

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* 4. Please give us any content or trigger warning your poem might need before we show it.

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* 5. Please upload a single document containing one poem. Maximum 40 lines.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

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* 6. Have you read at a Women Poets' Network Open Mic before?

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* 7. Are you a Women Poets' Network subscriber?