Thank you for visiting the Asian premiere of 11 Million Reasons presented by the British Council at Popsy Modern Kitchen. We are constantly trying to improve the quality of the work we do. Please help us improve our work by completing this questionnaire. Your responses will be treated in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act (1998).

As a token of our thanks, you will stand a chance to win a coffee voucher of $50 if you complete this questionnaire by 20 November 2016.  Winners will be notified by e-mail on or before 30 November 2016.

多謝閣下觀賞由英國文化協會呈獻於Popsy Modern Kitchen舉行的《11 Million Reasons》亞洲首展。我們一直致力改進活動,希望你可以完成這份問卷,有助我們提昇節目質素。我們將恪守英國《資料保護法案 (1998)》處理問卷。


* This question requires an answer. 此問題必須回答。

Question Title

* 1. Through which of the following channels did you experience the exhibition? 

Question Title

* 2. What did you expect to gain from this exhibition? 

Question Title

* 4. We may share your reason stated above on the British Council Facebook Page. If you DO NOT want your reason to be shared, please tick the following box.

Question Title

* 5. Please comment on the following items:
 #Only applicable to those visited the exhibition at Popsy Modern Kitchen  
#只適用於在Popsy Modern Kitchen 觀賞展覽的觀眾

  Excellent 非常好 Good 好 Average 一般 Poor 差  Not applicable 不適用
Six short films
6 段短片
#Related information of the exhibition
#Presentation and environment 

Question Title

* 6. Please tick one box to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

  Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
This exhibition met my expectations. 
Overall, this was a high quality exhibition. 
I have acquired new knowledge and/ or skills from taking part in this exhibition.

Question Title

* 7. Do you find this exhibition helpful to your study and / or career? If so, in what ways?
這項展覽是否對你的學習及 / 或工作有幫助? 如有,請簡述。

Question Title

* 8. What are the other topics that you would like us to cover in our forthcoming exhibitions / talks / workshops / activities?

Question Title

* 9. How likely would you recommend our events to a friend or colleague?

Choose one number on a scale between 0 and 10
where: 0-5 = Very unlikely / unlikely to recommend; 6-7 = Neutral; 8-10 = Likely/Very likely to recommend
請從0 至10之中選擇一個數值。
0-5代表會推介的可能性非常小/較小; 6-7代表中立; 8-10代表會推介的可能性較大/非常大。

Question Title

* 10. Where did you learn about this exhibition? (You may tick more than one box)
你是從何得悉是次活動? (可選多項)

Question Title

* 11. Other Comments / suggestion
其他意見 / 建議

Question Title

* 12. Your age group 年齡組別

Question Title

* 13. Your gender 性別

Question Title

* 14. Your employment status 就業狀況

Question Title

* 15. We would like to stay in touch and keep you informed of our future events. Please tick the following box if you DO NOT want to receive information of our future events. 

Question Title

* 16. The British Council may wish to contact you for further feedback at a later date.

Question Title

* 17. Please complete your details below.

We appreciate your feedback.You are most welcome to share your thoughts about the exhibition on the British Council Facebook Page.


#11millionreasons #BritishCouncilHK #PopsyKitchen #PeopleDancing #InclusiveDance

The British Council will treat all personal data in accordance with UK law and its own privacy policy.

Under UK Data Protection law you have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you, for which we may charge a fee, and the right to ask us to correct any inaccurate information. If you want more information about this please contact your local British Council office or the Data Protection Team (; or you may also visit our website.

你所提供的資料將用於統計及市場分析,我們或會將發佈分析結果,但將不會將有關結果與任何個人聯繫。英國文化協會將會按本會的標準使用你的個人資料,亦不會因商業或其他原因向第三者提供或出售你的個人資料。英國文化協會將按英國法例及本會的私隱政策處理個人資料,但我們不能保證英國法例與你所在國家的網上私隱法例相同。按照英國的《資料保護法案 (1998)》,你有權索取我們儲存的你本人的個人資料副本,但或須繳交費用。你亦有權要求我們更正任何有欠準確的資料。如果你對資料保護有任何疑問,請聯繫你所在地的 英國文化協會 或我們的 資料保護小組 或我們的網頁