11 Million Reasons - Asian Premiere Exhibition Questionnaire
Thank you for visiting the Asian premiere of 11 Million Reasons presented by the British Council at Popsy Modern Kitchen. We are constantly trying to improve the quality of the work we do. Please help us improve our work by completing this questionnaire. Your responses will be treated in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act (1998).
As a token of our thanks, you will stand a chance to win a coffee voucher of $50 if you complete this questionnaire by 20 November 2016. Winners will be notified by e-mail on or before 30 November 2016.
多謝閣下觀賞由英國文化協會呈獻於Popsy Modern Kitchen舉行的《11 Million Reasons》亞洲首展。我們一直致力改進活動,希望你可以完成這份問卷,有助我們提昇節目質素。我們將恪守英國《資料保護法案 (1998)》處理問卷。
* This question requires an answer. 此問題必須回答。