The 26th POGO Annual Meeting (POGO-26) will be hosted by Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CEMACS), Universiti Sains Malaysia, in Penang, Malaysia, from 25-28 February 2025:
  • POGO Annual Meeting Plenary & Poster sessions (25-27 Feb, all delegates)
  • POGO Members' Annual General Meeting (28 Feb, POGO members only)
The draft agenda and other useful information can be found on the POGO website, at

Additional documents will be added as they become available.

Please Note:
The format of the next POGO Annual Meeting will be slightly different to previous years, following discussions among the POGO members and Board regarding meeting attendance and effectiveness, in particular in response to POGO's recent external review.

POGO-26 will therefore be more open than previous meetings, welcoming additional delegates from partner and non-member institutions, as well as scientists at different levels within POGO member institutions (i.e., not only the Director).

As POGO meetings are currently fully funded by the host institute and do not charge a registration fee, we will need to cap the number of delegates at around 100, with 60 of these spaces reserved initially for representatives of POGO member institutions.

The registration process will consist of the following:
  1. a pre-registration, with a closing date of 17 January 2025 - unless the meeting reaches capacity before this.
  2. a selection process and notification by the Secretariat of pre-registration approval (within 5 days)
  3. a registration confirmation, with a closing date of 31 January 2025
To pre-register, please answer the questions on the following pages.

Please submit responses by Friday 17 January 2025
GDPR Compliance:

In order to organise this event, we need your consent to collect, store, and process some of your personal data.

This form is created and managed by the POGO Secretariat, and any data collected will only be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Question Title

* Do you consent?