Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Comprehensive Plan Community Survey |
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to answer this survey!
The Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee (PMRPC) was formed in October of 2005 when six Montgomery County, Pennsylvania municipalities and two Chester County, Pennsylvania municipalities signed an Intergovernmental Cooperative Implementation Agreement for Regional Planning.
The resulting Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee has become one of the largest multi-municipal planning efforts taking place in Pennsylvania. The intent of PMRPC’s Regional Comprehensive Plan is to ensure smarter growth in the region; better management of future development; and protection of the area’s unique historical, cultural, and natural amenities.
The resulting Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee has become one of the largest multi-municipal planning efforts taking place in Pennsylvania. The intent of PMRPC’s Regional Comprehensive Plan is to ensure smarter growth in the region; better management of future development; and protection of the area’s unique historical, cultural, and natural amenities.
PMRPC is now in the process of updating the regional comprehensive plan (the current plan was adopted in 2015), and we want to hear from you! The plan will provide a framework for the management of future development in the Pottstown Region over the next 20 years. Your opinion is critically important as we try to understand the issues that are most important to you from both a local and regional scale.
This survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and will cover topics such as housing, economic development, parks and recreation, and public services. If you have any concerns or feedback that are not addressed within the survey questions, please use the comment boxes on the final page of the survey to share this information.
For more information, and to stay up-to-date with the regional comprehensive plan project, please visit our website.
Please share this important survey opportunity with your friends and neighbors: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PMRPC2025
Please note that all responses are kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose. The results will be reported in aggregate so that no individual can be identified.