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* 1. On a scale Of 1-10, how important is getting better at talking to people for you right now?

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* 2. In your own words, what would you say is the "biggest problem" you face when talking to people? And please make a distinction between whether or not it's for personal reasons (like dating) or business reasons (like networking).

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* 3. How would you describe your current level of people skills?

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* 4. In your own words, why do you want to get better at talking to people? Please be specific. How would it impact your life?

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* 5. Do you ever remember a time when you had a chance to connect with someone... and blew it? What happened?

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* 6. Do you remember a time when you had a chance to connect with someone... and killed it? What happened?

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* 7. When you want to get better at talking to people, there is no quick fix. It's something you need to commit to for the long term. So, we are going to release a paid beta membership community where you will get the specific tactics you can use to get better at talking to people. You'll also get ongoing coaching from me through Group Coaching calls. Would you be interested in joining this program?

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* 8. Anything else you want to share?

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* 9. How can I contact you?