The Community Social Planning Council (CSPC) and Volunteer Victoria are recruiting volunteers to take part in the biennial Point in Time Homeless (PiT) Count, which consists of conducting surveys with people experiencing homelessness in Greater Victoria. The PiT Count will be held on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at service facilities and outdoor locations across the region.

Greater Victoria participated in nationwide PiT Counts in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2023. Point-in-Time counts add essential information to our understanding of how people experience homelessness in our region. This information will assist planners, funders, and agencies in developing appropriate responses to homelessness in our region as well as to measure progress in ending homelessness.

The Pit Count is a regional-wide event that requires hundreds of volunteers to participate in various roles. While the majority of volunteers will be conducting surveys with people experiencing homelessness, volunteers will also be needed for various administrative and coordination tasks, event day set-up and take-down, magnet events in various locations on other dates, and to lead teams of volunteer surveyors.

We are looking for volunteers who are:
• Compassionate, accepting, and enjoy one-on-one conversations with people
• Have a non-judgmental attitude and a good sense of humour
• Outgoing, curious and have a pleasant manner
• Experienced in front line service delivery (although not necessary to volunteer)

What is involved? The PiT count involves working in small teams to conduct a brief, anonymous survey with people who are experiencing homelessness. The indoor survey is conducted inside shelters and other homeless service facilities, while the outside survey is done outdoors, walking around a specific area or neighbourhood.

Volunteers sign up for one 3-hour shift, attend a two-hour training session in advance of the event, and must be 19 years of age or older to participate.

Once you have completed this application form someone will be in touch to complete the application process, to confirm training dates, and to provide more information about volunteer schedules, locations, and tasks.

Thank you for your interest!

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* 1. The PiT Count funder requires that all volunteers engaged in surveys are over the age of 19 years. It is possible for individuals under 19 to volunteer at Headquarters or at our Youth Magnet Event. Please confirm your age:

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* 2. The count will occur in the following municipalities and areas in the region. Please indicate where you wish to volunteer. Check all that apply. While we will do our best to assign you to an area of your choice, we cannot guarantee this.

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* 3. Have you participated in a previous count of people experiencing homelessness?

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* 4. We are looking for volunteers to complete the survey count at indoor locations (i.e. inside emergency shelters, transitional housing, agencies etc.) and outdoor locations (i.e. outside in streets, parks, etc.), and for other volunteer activities at headquarters, at magnet events, and in the days in advance of the event and the days immediately after the event. Please indicate where you would prefer to volunteer and check all that apply:

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* 5. Do you have the following experiences or skills that may be helpful to the count?

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* 6. Do you have volunteer or work experiences with a social service agency working with people experiencing homelessness? If so, please tell us which agency and a little more about these experiences.

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* 7. Have you had other experiences with people who are experiencing homelessness? If so, can you describe those experiences in a few words?

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* 8. Please confirm the following:

  Yes No
I am physically able to stand in an indoor or outdoor location for up to 3 hours
I am physically able to  walk, potentially over rough or uneven terrain, for up to 3 hours
I have a bicycle to get to indoor or outdoor count locations that I can use on the day of the count
I have a car to get to indoor or outdoor count locations that I can use on the day of the count
I have a cell phone that I can use on the day of the count

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* 9. All volunteers are required to attend a 2-hour training session before the count. The training sessions will be hosted in February 2025. To help us plan training sessions please indicate when you would prefer to attend training:

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* 10. Please let us know your general availability to volunteer on the day of the PiT Count on March 26th, 2025. Please note that times are tentative and may change. Please click all that apply:

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* 11. Please provide your contact information. Please note that we will follow up with you in the coming weeks to schedule your participation in training:

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* 12. Are you volunteering with someone that you wished to be partnered with? What is their first and last name?

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* 13. If you have questions about the PIT Count please feel free to ask them here or connect with the PiT count researcher Jenna Oosthoek (She/her/hers) at or at 250.386.6166.