Visitor and Resident Survey

Your feedback on this survey will help refine draft recommendations and strategies for the Pikes Peak region's outdoor-related priorities for the future. The vision/value statements and strategies come from the planning process over the last 3 years, including feedback received through community listening sessions. It may be helpful to review the specific action items that accompany each strategy, which can be accessed here: Strategies with Action Items Please share specific feedback using the text boxes throughout the survey, or email The survey will likely take about 6 minutes.

Learn more about this initiative at Thank you for taking the time to provide your input!

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* 1. Name & Contact Info (Optional)

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* 2. City/Town and Zip Code of Residence

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* 3. Did you attend a community listening session in January 2023?

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* 4. Did you attend a community listening session in June 2024?

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* 5. Please indicate below HOW you enjoy the Pikes Peak region's outdoors. (Check all that apply.)

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* 6. This question is for the category of PARTNERSHIPS. Vision/Value statement: Partnerships among land managers, volunteers, municipalities, nonprofits, businesses and the community are key to maintaining and sustaining the Pikes Peak region’s natural resources and recreation assets.

For each strategy recommendation listed below, please select the option that best describes the extent to which you agree with that strategy.

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Identify existing and form new partnerships among land managers to meet priorities
Engage the broader communities to support existing and new partnerships

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* 7. This question is for the category of Communication. Vision/Value statement: Intentional communication is essential to fostering effective inter-agency coordination, industry stakeholder support and involvement, and community leader and public understanding of local natural resource and recreation values and initiatives.

For each strategy recommendation listed below, please select the option that best describes the extent to which you agree with that strategy.

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Create an effective communication plan/messaging strategy from land managers to engage industry stakeholders and inform the public
Create regular gatherings of land managers for effective communication and planning
Create unified messaging around central themes supporting the region’s outdoors and expand outdoor education programs
Create regular communication and provide updates to local, state, and federal leadership

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* 8. This question is for the category of Connectivity. Vision/Value statement: Connecting communities and recreation opportunities within the Pikes Peak region creates a more sustainable, equitable, and enjoyable future.

For each strategy recommendation listed below, please select the option that best describes the extent to which you agree with that strategy.

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Develop a regional trail master plan focused on connectivity: trail to trail, trail to community, trail from community to outdoor space/opportunity, etc.
Connect urban communities to nature and outdoor recreation opportunities
Create community connectors for rural economic vitality
Complete Ring the Peak Trail (RTP)

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* 9. This question is for the category of Natural Resource Conservation. Vision/Value statement: Exceptional conservation, connectivity, and adaptive management of the Pikes Peak region's plant and wildlife species, and the habitats on which they depend, ensures resilience and sustainability in the face of stressors such as changing climate, increased and changing recreational use, and urban

For each strategy recommendation listed below, please select the option that best describes the extent to which you agree with that strategy.

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Sustain key wildlife corridors to reduce habitat fragmentation, encourage species health, and provide climate resiliency
Conserve priority public and private lands to ensure they continue to provide their many benefits long into the future
Limit development in prioritized wildlife corridors and areas of high conservation value
Preserve and restore riparian areas within the Pikes Peak region to sustain the unique biodiversity that riparian corridors support
Actively work to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire and improve forest health across the Pikes Peak region
Work to ensure that the Pikes Peak region's water quality and supply is resilient and sustainable to benefit communities, agriculture, wildlife, and recreation

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* 10. This question is for the category of Recreation. Vision/Value statement: A broad spectrum of exceptional outdoor recreation opportunities that are accessible, inclusive, enjoyable, and responsible provides important health, wellness, and economic benefits to local communities and visitors and instills a sense of appreciation and stewardship for the Pikes Peak region's natural resources.

For each strategy recommendation listed below, please select the option that best describes the extent to which you agree with that strategy.

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Identify areas currently being used for recreation to provide a baseline for planning recreation asset improvement, expansion, and development
Prioritize access for underserved peoples and communities in planning recreation asset and opportunity improvement, expansion, and development
Increase the safety of recreation users in the Pikes Peak region through information, training, and technology
Determine suitable areas for recreation asset improvement, expansion, and development
Encourage opportunities for youth to engage in the outdoors for recreation, development of conservation and stewardship ethics, and workforce development

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* 11. This question is for the category of Management. Vision/Value statement: Exceptional cross-jurisdictional management provides collaborative planning and delivers effective staffing, maintenance, enforcement, and funding for the Pikes Peak region's natural resources and recreational opportunities.

For each strategy recommendation listed below, please select the option that best describes the extent to which you agree with that strategy.

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Establish cross-jurisdiction agreements to effectively manage, maintain, and provide enforcement for the Pikes Peak region’s public lands.
Explore single entity unified recreation management to increase capacities of existing land managers to more effectively address the region's challenges and provide exceptional natural resources
Enhance visitor experiences and sustainability in outdoor recreation through better collaboration and thoughtful planning
Prioritize planning and maintenance of infrastructure that is sustainable, reduces barriers, and meets users’ basic needs.

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* 12. Do you generally support these draft recommendations and strategies for the Outdoor Pikes Peak Initiative Vision Plan?

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback! We look forward to engaging with you further. Look for announcements of the release of the Outdoor Pikes Peak Initiative Draft Vision Plan this fall. Check back at for materials, photos, updates, and more!