You are invited to take part in a study that will help the American Public Health Association (APHA) to evaluate the online training, Individualizing Glycemic Targets Using Health Literacy Strategies. Your participation and feedback will help us learn about the impact of the training on your knowledge of key concepts and your likelihood of practicing behaviors intended to prevent adverse drug events (ADEs) among diabetic patients.

Your participation in this survey will require approximately 10 minutes and can be completed online using your computer, tablet, or phone. Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. If you choose to be a part of this evaluation study, you can withdraw at any time, and there are no known risks or discomforts associated with this survey. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential, and all digital data will be stored on a secure server.  Any report of this research that is made available to the public will not include your name or any other individual information by which you could be identified.

If you have questions about the study or procedures, please contact Dr. Regina Davis Moss at 202-777-2515 or If you ever feel that your rights as a participant have not been honored during the course of this study, or you have any questions, concerns, or complaints that you wish to address to an entity other than APHA, you may contact the IntegReview Institutional Research Board (IRB) at 512-326-3001 or Please feel free to print a copy of this consent page for your records.

By clicking the “Next” button below to start the survey, you confirm that:

You have read the above information;
You voluntarily agree to participate in the evaluation study; and
You are 18 years of age or older.

11% of survey complete.