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* 1. Please enter your contact information so APPAM may notify you of any available volunteer positions.

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* 2. Please indicate your APPAM member type. 

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* 3. Please indicate your primary policy area of expertise.

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* 4. APPAM Committees

The goals of the APPAM committees are to help Policy Council members engage with members and to accomplish the work of the association.  Committees meet throughout the year by phone and the chairs of each committee report on the activities of their committees at each of the two annual Policy Council Meetings. Members who participate in a committee must be committed to attend all committee meetings. Typically, a committee meets once a quarter via a conference call, lasting between 30 minutes and an hour. Committee members are expected to participate in the committee's work and with Association staff on accomplishing both Policy Council and committee goals for the year. The committees work in conjunction with APPAM staff throughout the year to achieve goals set out in the Strategic Plan.  

Below are the committees I am interested in serving on:

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* 5. APPAM Conferences & Events 

I would like to volunteer at an APPAM conference in the following roles:

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* 6. APPAM Student Programming Volunteer

APPAM holds several student programs throughout the year, including but not limited to:

  • Annual Fall Research Conference Professional Development Sessions for Students

    The Professional Development Sessions for Students are held throughout the conference, with programming on Thursday and Friday, to better accommodate student travel schedules. The sessions are aimed at supporting students in all stages of their education, from undergraduate through postdoctoral.

    Sessions  often feature a series of panels with experts from a variety of professional fields to provide students with advice on their careers, both as students and after graduation. Previous sessions have included tips for grant writing, presentation skills & data visualization, and bridging the gap between graduation and policy practice. 
  • Annual Fall Research Conference Ask the Experts Round-table Discussions (Professional Member Experts Only)

    The Ask the Policy Experts Round-table session provides an opportunity for students to meet with professionals to discuss a variety of policy topics. Experienced professionals are available in the student lounge to speak with students, offer advice, and discuss research projects. These discussions provide a candid, informal opportunity to network with practitioners and academics.  APPAM is in need of professional members to serve as policy experts to meet with student member conference attendees.  
  • Mentor Matching Program (Professional Member Mentors Only)

    The mentor matching program matches student conference attendees with policy experts to connect one-on-one during conferences.  Mentors are available to offer advice on professional development issues, examine job search strategies, discuss research projects and ideas, and answer any questions students may have as they approach graduation. 

    This program serves as a great opportunity for students to connect with policy professionals, forge partnerships, and learn about diverse policy organizations.  The time commitment is one hour, in-person, with your mentee.
  • APPAM Student Brown Bag Speaker

    APPAM holds several brown bag discussions throughout the year for policy students and young professionals.  These events feature expert speakers on policy "hot topics" such as big data, health care, and publishing.  Please indicate below if you are interested in serving as a policy expert on a brown bag panel discussion.   

I would like to volunteer for the following student programs:

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* 7. APPAM Online Community

At APPAM we strive to provide our members with access to a broad collection of tools, content, practical resources, professional development opportunities, and a smart and vibrant community of peers—all to help you do your job better.

The APPAM E-Lists provide a members-only discussion group where you may seek practical answers and solutions from your peers. The new E-List communities are a great medium with which to solicit the advice of your peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in an ongoing conversation.

I am interested in joining the APPAM E-List Community

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* 8. APPAM Podcasts 

APPAM is currently developing a student-run podcast series and is in need of volunteers to interview and to edit podcasts. Podcasts typically last 20-30 minutes and topics include, but are not limited to, education, health care, employment, crime, housing, non-profit management, methodology, economics, science & technology, and social policy.

I am interested in volunteering in the following podcast roles:

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* 9. APPAM Webinars

APPAM is currently developing a series of professional development webinars focused on a variety of policy topics.  The APPAM webinars will serve as a learning opportunity to provide you with valuable insights and information at your fingertips.  Webinars are approximately 45 minutes long and will feature a moderator, content speaker, and a Q&A session.  

I am interested in volunteering in the following webinar roles:

Question Title

* 10. Additional comments.