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Please complete the below questions to subscribe to the OSHC Professional Development & Training Package and meet the training and professional development needs of your team.

The package is designed as a comprehensive learning and development program for your entire OSHC team!

Includes the following Professional Development and Training Resources specifically developed for the Outside School Hours Care sector:
  • Embedding Inclusive Practices in OSHC Suite
  • Empowering Educational Leaders Program (4 part series)
  • OSHC Educator Microcredential Onboarding Program
  • Suite of Recorded Workshops
  • In-Depth Behaviour Series
  • 1 Complimentary Ticket (per service) for all Upcoming Workshops
  • Webinar Wednesday Access (12 months access)

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* 1. Please enter your contact details below

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* 2. Please select which NOSHSA state branch your service is a member of

Question Title

* 3. Please chose below what subscription best describes your service/s (Members Prices)

An invoice (or a quote for non-member applicants) will be generated and sent to your nominated email address.

Upon payment, you will receive your package access details to your nominated email address. Your subscription will last 12 months from the date that you receive your package access details.
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