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Hello Valued ORS Member,

Every two years we ask you to participate in a survey that helps us to gauge your satisfaction with ORS offerings that include programs, events, and activities. Please take the next 10 - 20 minutes to provide feedback on your membership. We will draw one from every 50 respondents to receive a $25 Amazon gift card to thank you for your time.

The survey is anonymous. However, after you complete the survey, you will receive a separate form field to complete if you want to participate in the drawing for the gift card. Your name in the drawing is not connected to your survey responses so anonymity is maintained.

Please complete the survey by September 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM CST.

Thank you for all you do for the ORS and the orthopaedic arena.

The ORS Membership Committee

Question Title

* 1. What is your primary discipline?

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* 2. What is your primary specialty?

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* 3. Please provide any other affiliation.

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* 4. What is your sector?

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* 7. Please rate the value of each of the following benefits ORS currently provides:

  No Value Low Value Moderate Value High Value Very High Value
Grant/Award Opportunities
Career Development/Mentoring Programs
Scientific Collaborations
ORS Annual Meeting
Satellite Meetings
Keeping Current with the Latest Research
Presenting Research
Serving as an ORS Volunteer
Subscription to Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Career Center

Question Title

* 8. Please select any of the following resources/initiatives of which you are aware:

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* 9. Which of the following resources/initiatives have you used or participated in?

Question Title

* 10. The Teaching and Outreach Repository is a collection of educational and outreach materials and activities designed to support teaching and community engagement. Regarding this repository, how likely are you to:

  Very Unlikely Unlikely Neutral Likely Very Likely
Use the educational resources for your own teaching or learning purposes
Add your own educational resources or materials for others to use
Get involved in outreach programs or activities that are organized or promoted through the repository
Work together with other individuals or groups using the repository as a platform for collaboration

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* 11. For an upcoming webinar, which topics related to science advocacy, policy, or communication would you find the most interesting?:

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* 12. Please provide the names of any orthopaedics or STEM-related professional societies with whom you’d like to see the ORS collaborate on a joint webinar:

0 of 53 answered