Take a moment to tell us about your experience turning issues into answers!  We are gathering stories as a part of Social Work Week 2018, to contribute to future marketing campaigns focused on helping the public understand what we do and the value of social workers. 

All story submissions will be entered for a draw for 1 of 4 $500 OASW Reimbursement Awards which members can use towards any OASW event or professional development opportunities including: online courses, AGMs, Member Appreciation Events, OASW Provincial Conference and/or any associated travel/rooming costs with attending any of these events. Please note, 1 of the 4 prizes will be awarded to a Student Member. 

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Email

Question Title

* 3. Are you a social work student?*

Question Title

* 4. Tell us your story! 
What issues have you helped turn into answers as a social worker or social work student? We encourage diverse stories from a wide range of unique and innovative forms of social work practice (Max 250 words).

By sharing your story, you grant OASW permission to publish your submission anonymously on oasw.org.  OASW reserves the right to edit submissions for length and clarity, and not all submissions will be published.

If you have any questions, please contact Rita Mascherin at (416) 923-4848 ex. 224 or rita@oasw.org

Click "Submit" to submit your story.