Noyo Harbor Multimodal Circulation Plan Survey |
Noyo Harbor is a lively and important part of the Mendocino region, with an active mix of fishing, shopping, dining, commercial activity, and recreation. However, there have been noted challenges when traveling to and within the harbor. A goal of the Noyo Harbor Multimodal Circulation Plan is to set forth recommendations and improvements for how the community and visitors alike experience transportation within and around the northern portion of the harbor. The recommendations in this plan will allow the Harbor District, City of Fort Bragg, and County of Mendocino to seek grant funding from State and Federal sources to improve circulation and multimodal access to businesses and recreation within the harbor, while supporting the local economy.
Your feedback is extremely important! Help the Project Team understand how you get around the Harbor, what challenges you might face, and what you value most. Any comments made during the Plan process are documented, reviewed, and incorporated into the Final Plan as appropriate. Please take the following survey to share your thoughts.
For questions, please contact Jeff Schwein at jeff@greendottransportation.com.
Visit our web page at https://noyooceancollective.org/multimodal-circulation-plan/

Visit our web page at https://noyooceancollective.org/multimodal-circulation-plan/