Is Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives: Caring for Children and Youth in Care right for you?

Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives is free, and offers self-study courses that aim to build the skills of foster, group, kin, adoptive and customary caregivers to support the mental health needs of children and youth in their care. Some topics covered are signs and symptoms of mental health concerns, trauma and attachment as it relates to mental health, systems navigation, supporting youth with risky behaviours, and supporting the mental wellness of Indigenous, Black and LGBTQ2S+ youth. Self-care practices to enhance caregivers’ emotional well-being will also be explored. Participants will engage in eLearning modules, videos and virtual events to help them gain new knowledge and tips to support the positive mental health of themselves and children and youth in their care.

Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives is not training in psychotherapy or counselling, but a series of courses that participants can access to develop strategies and techniques, so that they can support children and youth in their care. You may find it helpful to plan to complete the courses within a month of starting.

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* 1. If you would like to be notified when this course becomes available for registration please provide your email address.  We anticipate that the course will be available in early summer 2021.

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* 2. Please share any other comments you have below: