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The District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board (DNSSAB), as child care and early years service system manager for the District of Nipissing, is committed to ensuring EarlyON Child and Family Centres are responsive, accessible, inclusive and of high quality. 

The survey is for parents and caregivers who have attended an EarlyON Child and Family Centre within the previous 12 months. The survey is being administered by the DNSSAB in partnership with EarlyON providers for the District of Nipissing. 

Information will be shared with EarlyON providers on a regular basis based on all answers received (combined information) and providers will only receive information for the programs they operate.  Providers will be able to use this information to improve programs and/or enhance programs and/or respond to the needs of children, parents and caregivers. At no time will individual answers that could identify children and/or parents and/or caregivers be shared. The information collected from all providers will be summarized and used for planning and evaluation by the DNSSAB and EarlyON providers.

The survey is completely voluntary and all answers are anonymous.  If you wish to receive a paper copy of the survey, please contact your EarlyON Child & Family Centre staff or data@dnssab.ca.  Completed paper copies may be forwarded to any DNSSAB office or scanned and sent by email to data@dnssab.ca

If you have any further questions, please contact DNSSAB’s Children’s Services data coordinator at data@dnssab.ca