The Baldwin-Whitehall Educational Foundation (BWEF) is seeking nominees for the Distinguished Highlanders Hall of Fame.  The BWEF is continuing the tradition to recognize significant achievements of alumni, employees, and significant contributors to the BaldwinWhitehall School District.

The BWEF is independent 501(c)(3) whose mission is to support and recognize innovation and excellence within the Baldwin Whitehall School District. We provide support to teachers, staff, and students through education grants and scholarships.

What is a Distinguished Highlander?
• A graduate from the district that has become a leader in their industry, field, or community.
• May or may not be currently holding the position(s) in which they achieved major success.
• May be living or deceased.

Honorees will be celebrated at the BWEF Innovation and Excellence recognition banquet during the 2019-2020 school year.

Please take the time to give careful consideration to making a nomination for a deserved candidate. Applications can be submitted to the Baldwin-Whitehall Educational Foundation at 4900 Curry Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236 or through this electronic form.

The Baldwin-Whitehall Educational Foundation