Why the standard food basket is important to people living in rural, regional and remote Australia.

The National Rural Women's Coalition (NRWC) is undertaking the first ever national survey of a "standard" food basket for rural, remote and regional families across Australia. The items in this  "standard" food basket are based on the Victorian Healthy Food Basket and it aims to meet at least 95% of energy requirements for a family of four. There are 44 items in this "standard" basket.  The evidence gathered from this survey will be used to provide information on the cost of food and food security for rural people.

Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to efficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.  
(Committee on World Food Security 2009)

We are asking people from across Australia to collect the prices of a "standard" food basket - you DON'T need to buy the items we just need to have the cost of them at the weight or sizes indicated  so we can analyse the results.

Please help us and complete as much as you can. 
Thank you,
The NRWC Team

Question Title

* 1. Do you live in Rural, Regional or Remote Australia?

Question Title

* 2. What is your Postcode?

Question Title

* 3. What is the size of the family you normally shop for?

Question Title

* 4. Do you identify as any of the following? - please tick any that apply.

Question Title

* 5. What is your age?

Question Title

* 6. How often do you go shopping?

Question Title

* 7. Date of Purchase? (for this survey)


Question Title

* 8. What transport did you use to do your shopping?

Question Title

* 9. In which town did you make your purchases?

Question Title

* 10. Distance from your home to the shop in kilometres? (one way)

Question Title

* 11. Where did you buy the following bread and cereal items for the food basket survey?

Question Title

* 12. White Bread 680g (when answering please only enter numerical value eg 3.50)

Question Title

* 13. Wholemeal Bread 680g (when answering please only enter numerical value)

Question Title

* 14. Crumpets 300g  (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 15. Weet-Bix (when answering please only enter numerical value, e.g. 3:50)

Question Title

* 16. Instant Oats 500g (when answering please only enter numerical value)

Question Title

* 17. Pasta 500g (when answering please only enter numerical value)

Question Title

* 18. White Rice 1kg (when answering please only enter numerical value)

Question Title

* 19. Instant Noodles 85g (when answering please only enter numerical value)

Question Title

* 20. Premium Biscuits 250g (when answering please only enter numerical value)

Question Title

* 21. Where did you buy the following Fruit and Vegetables?

Question Title

* 22. Apples 1kg (when answering please only enternumerical value eg 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 23. Oranges 1kg (when answering please only enter numerical value, e.g 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 24. Bananas 1kg (when answering please only enter numerical value. e.g 3:50 no $)

Question Title

* 25. Tinned Fruit Salad - natural juice - 450g (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 26. Sultanas 250g (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 27. Orange Juice 100% no added sugar 2l (please enter only numerical value. e.g. 3:50 no $)

Question Title

* 28. Tomatoes 1 kg (please enter only numerical value. e.g. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 29. Potatoes 1kg (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 30. Pumpkin 1 kg (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 31. Cabbage 500g (half) (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 32. Lettuce (whole) (please enter value only no$)

Question Title

* 33. Carrots 1 kg (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 34. Onions 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 35. Frozen Peas 1 kg (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 36. Tinned Tomatoes 400g (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 37. Tinned Beetroot 450g (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 38. Tinned Corn Kernels 440g (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 39. Tinned Baked Beans 420g (when answering please only enter numerical value. eg. 3.50 no $)

Question Title

* 40. Where did you buy the following meat and alternatives?

Question Title

* 41. Fresh Bacon, shortcut, rindless 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 42. Fresh Ham 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 43. Beef Mince, regular 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 44. Lamb Chops, forequarter 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 45. Chicken Fillets, skin-off 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 46. Sausages 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 47. Tinned Tuna, unsaturated oil 425g (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 48. Tinned Salmon, pink, in water 210g (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 49. Large Eggs (min 50g caged) (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 50. Where did you buy the following dairy products?

Question Title

* 51. Fresh Full Cream Milk 2l (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 52. Fresh Reduced Fat Milk 2l

Question Title

* 53. Reduced Fat Flavoured Yoghurt 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 54. Full Fat Long Life Milk 1l (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 55. Cheese, block 500g (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 56. Where did you buy the following Non-core foods?

Question Title

* 57. Polyunsaturated Margarine 500g (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 58. White Sugar 1kg (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 59. Canola Oil 500ml (please enter value only no $)

Question Title

* 60. Has COVID 19 changed the way your do your normal shopping? (You can select more than one)

Question Title

* 61. Before COVID 19 have you ever not been able to purchase a food item

Question Title

* 62. During  COVID 19 have you ever not been able to purchase a food item?

Question Title

* 63. Has COVID 19  influenced your preference for Australian produced food?

Question Title

* 64. Have you any other comments to make about the your access to and affordability of food?