2024 is the 10th anniversary of the QConnect concept and the current version of EDCNet. NRL first released EDCNet in 2001. At that time, EDCNet was the first internet-based QC monitoring software globally. Since that time, NRL has provided EDCNet to hundreds of diagnostics and blood screening laboratories in about 25 countries. We have strived to continually develop and enhance EDCNet over that time. We are seeking your views about EDCNet so we can provide the highest quality QC service for the next decade.

Question Title

* Personal information (optional)*

*Please note, your responses will remain anonymous unless you choose to enter personal information above.
1. Position

Question Title

* My position is:

2. EDCNet Usage

Question Title

* My laboratory has used EDCNet for:

Question Title

* I use the following EDCNet functions (select or tick all that apply):

Question Title

* My laboratory enters data into EDCNet:

Question Title

* Manual data entry is very simple and quick:

Question Title

* The amount of time spent on data entry into EDCNet per week on average is:

Question Title

* My lab monitors QC results in EDCNet:

Question Title

* My lab uses EDCNet:

Question Title

* To monitor QC results my lab uses:

3. EDCNet Features
4. Usability of EDCNet
5. NRL QC Service Team Support
6. Future Improvements

Question Title

* What current features would you like to see changed in EDCNet?

Question Title

* What new features would you like added to EDCNet?

7. Marketing

Question Title

* Would you like to provide a testimonial statement that NRL can use in marketing material?
If you do, please use the comment box below.

Question Title

* If you provided a testimonial above, would you like it to be published anonymously?

If you would like training or support for any aspects of EDCNet or QConnect, or QC for infectious disease testing in general, please contact NRL at:

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100% of survey complete.