Community Visioning Survey

New Plymouth is starting on an update of its Comprehensive Plan which helps guide the future of the city. This plan, "Our Town, Our Future" will set the vision for the city for the next 20 years. Share your vision for the future of the city by taking this quick survey. Tell us what is important to you over the 20 years.

This is our first of several community surveys that will guide the Comprehensive Plan update.
1.What is your age?
2.Do you...? (Check all that apply)
3.How long have you lived/worked in New Plymouth?
4.How would you rate the quality of life in New Plymouth?
5.What top three things do you love about New Plymouth?
6.What aspect(s) of New Plymouth would you like to preserve over the next 20 years? Please be specific.
7.What top three things do you want to see changed in New Plymouth over the next 20 years? Please be specific.
8.What top three things do you want to see created in New Plymouth over the next 20 years? (New activities, features, amenities, etc..)
9.Please feel free to write additional comments below or include other issues or topics to be addressed when planning for the City's next 20 years.