Customer Satisfaction Survey 
Thank you for choosing Chisago County Public Health. In order to continuously improve the services we provide, we kindly ask that you complete the following survey. The survey will only take a few minutes of your time. The responses you provide will be confidential. No identifying information about you will be collected.
We thank you in advance for your valuable feedback.

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1. What was the date of your most recent visit with Chisago County Public Health programs/services?


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2. During your most recent encounter with Chisago County Public health, what program(s)/service(s) did you receive? (please check all that apply)

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3. Where did you learn about our available programs and services?

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4. In the future, how would you like to learn about Chisago County Public Health programs and services? (Please check all that apply)

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5. Please indicate what best describes each of the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable 
Health Department staff were friendly
The services I received were delivered promptly
Health Department staff were respectful 
The building was clean and welcoming
The wait time for the services I received was appropriate 
Health Department staff were helpful
The services I received met my social, cultural, and/or special needs 
Health Department staff took the time to listen to my concerns 
Health Department staff understood my needs
Overall, I am satisfied with services I received 
I was able to get what I needed from Chisago County Public health 

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6. What did we do well during your most recent visit?

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7. What can we improve? (Please be as specific as you can.)

The following questions ask for basic demographic information. Your answers to these questions will not affect the services you receive in any way.

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8. What is your gender?

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9. What is your current age?

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10. How do you identify yourself? 

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11. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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12. Additional Comments