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In an effort to provide support to our vibrant restaurant community here in New Mexico, we will be collecting information in order to promote restaurants who are still open for take out/delivery.  If you would like your business to be included in those promotions, please share your information with us below!  Together, we will get through this!

If you are not currently open for take out or delivery, we still need to hear from you.  If you are not open, skip to question 3.

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* 1. Help Us Build Your Business Listing!  Please provide the information below for how you would like it to appear for your business.

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* 2. Are you doing anything creative we should know about? Such as packaging food for groceries, selling TP, packaging raw meals to be cooked at home per your video instructions, anything else you are doing.

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* 3. Please check all delivery services you are currently utilizing

We at the New Mexico Restaurant Association want you to know that in times of prosperity and in times of struggle, we are here to advocate for you politically - locally and nationally.  In order to best represent the interests of our restaurant community, we would like to know how the Covid 19 pandemic is impacting your business.  This information will allow us to help you in the most effective ways, including communicating the impact of these changes to our lawmakers.

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* 4. Have you had to reduce hours for your staff?

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* 5. Have you had to layoff staff?

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* 6. What other actions are you planning to take?

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* 7. Which platforms are you utilizing to stay up to date on Covid - 19 and the impact on the restaurant industry?

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* 8. Do you have any other comments or suggestions on how NMRA can assist you during this difficult time? Any creative solutions you can share?

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* 9. In case we have any questions or need to follow up with you regarding the information you have provided, please provide the best contact information to do so!

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* 10. If you would like to receive alerts from NMRA via text regarding the daily changes in legislation and notices on resources, insert your name and mobile number below.

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