Question Title

* The VON SONPM COVID-19 Impact Audits in April, May and June revealed significant impacts on families in newborn care units around the world, even in hospitals that had not yet experienced any cases.

Please share a story of a family whose care in your hospital was affected by COVID-19 or changes in care practices due to COVID-19.
  • We welcome stories from around the world, from all NICU disciplines, family advisors, and parents.
  • The story can be about any aspect of the pandemic’s effects, such as: confirmed or suspected cases of infection in parents or infants; financial hardship; lost employment or other resources; separation; restricted visitation.
  • We are particularly interested in stories about disproportionately affected populations in the US and internationally, such as minorities, socially disadvantaged, or immigrants.
  • Please do not include any names or other identifiers of people or places.