Submission Portal for Main Subsection Topics

The overall objective of this document is the development of a manuscript that identifies, explains, and demonstrates good management practices to conserve soil biodiversity and its ecological functions, and limits soil biodiversity loss. The manual will:
  • introduce a set of principles, practices, and case studies that address the conservation of biodiversity in consideration of the main threats to soil biodiversity;
  • present a range of soil conservation practices to maintain or restore soil biodiversity;
  • outline the mechanisms by which proposed best practices work while considering the historic land use and long-term plan for the land base;
  • provide case studies across a wide range of farming types, geographical regions, soil types, and primary threats and stressors.
In doing so, this document also links to other Working Group agendas within NETSOB, specifically on establishing baseline biodiversity data (Working Group 1), incentivising best practices among land users (Working Group 3), and the development and implementation of governmental and intergovernmental policies and agendas (Working Group 4).

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* 3. Your region:

Important note: read the FAOSTYLE guidelines carefully to properly apply spelling, punctuation, terminology, names, abbreviations, capitalization, italics, bolds, underlining, numbers, units, time, dates, notes and references.  

Files should be submitted as a DOC or DOCX file. Filenames for submission should include the chapter number and chapter subsection numbers to which the manuscript applies, and the author’s last name as follows: WG2_MS_1-2_lastname.docx

Documents that do not conform to the requirements outlined below will be returned to the author(s) for modification. The GSP Secretariat and the Scientific Committee for Working Group #2 will assess the written quality, and substandard papers will be returned to the author(s) for modification. Once the writings are accepted, they will be submitted to a scientific editor to ensure the overall quality of the content.

Question Title

* 8. Access here the Instructions for Authors on how to fill out the corresponding subsections.

DOC, DOCX file types only.
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