The goal of the National Center for Integrative Primary Healthcare is to incorporate evidence-based Integrative Healthcare (Integrative Medicine) curricula into existing primary care residency and other health professions training programs. Participation in the Foundations in Integrative Health pilot study is open to primary care, other healthcare professions, and licensed integrative health and medicine educational training programs. Health professions training programs can include for example pediatrics, internal medicine, family medicine, preventive medicine, psychiatry, nursing (including advanced practice – nurse practitioner, nurse-midwifery, and clinical nurse specialists), pharmacy, physician assistant, public health, behavioral health, nutrition, and dentistry/oral health among others. Licensed integrative health and medicine educational training programs include acupuncture/Oriental medicine, chiropractic, naturopathic medicine, massage therapy and direct entry (home birth) midwifery training programs.

The course will be available AFTER the pilot study to Continuing Education programs, employee training programs and medical schools in September, 2016. If you will be offering the course as part of Continuing Education, employee training program or medical schools, please select “No” to the first question and you will be directed to provide additional information so that we may update you on availability.

Question Title

* 1. Will you be piloting the course in an educational training program?