NACAC is seeking presenters to help parents, professionals, and advocates gain skills and knowledge in adoption-related topics at its 2022 virtual conference. NACAC encourages adoptive and foster parents, child welfare professionals, researchers, adoptees, birth parents, people who spent time in foster care, therapists, and other child advocates to submit workshop proposals. 

We ask presenters to spend at least 75 percent of their presentation on solutions and strategies, with only minimal time on background.

Note: Instructions are located at 

For questions requiring longer answers (Brochure description, Outline, etc.), you can copy and paste from a text file into the form.

The conference will be held July 19–22, 2022 online. Workshops are 75 minutes long.

Please submit no more than two proposals. If you submit multiple proposals but have a strong favorite, indicate your top choice in the workshop description. (We cannot guarantee we will select your top choice, but it’s useful for us to know.)

Sessions may have up to three presenters. Presenters who are NACAC members will have reduced registration fees, but donate their time and expenses as a contribution to waiting children and the adoption community.

You will receive an email confirmation that your proposal was received within one week of submission. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us at or 651-644-3036. (Please add to your address book or safe email list so the confirmation doesn't end up in your junk mail or spam folder.)

PROPOSAL DEADLINE: October 22, 2021


CONFERENCE DATES: July 19 to 22, 2022


ANY ISSUES OR QUESTIONS: or 651-644-3036

NACAC is not responsible for verifying the originality of submissions, and cannot be held liable for presenters’ copyright infringements or other ownership rights violations.