State Budget Background
On November 17, the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) released the list of holdbacks for FY18 to meet $181.6 million in unallocated savings targets in FY18 set forth in the adopted budget. Additionally, on November 20, in their monthly letter to the Comptroller, OPM projected the budget deficit to be $202 million. This deficit projection assumes the reductions made by OPM on November 17. Governor Malloy retains his 5% rescission authority and if the Comptroller confirms this projection on December 1, it will trigger a deficit mitigation plan.

Why a survey?
As more budget cuts loom, we need your help to prevent further harm to nonprofits. Please take a moment to fill out a brief survey about (1) the impact of budget cuts since July 1 and (2) how further cuts will negatively affect nonprofits and the people you serve. The information you provide is critical to The Alliance's advocacy as we work to put budget cuts to nonprofits into context and reshape conversations with the media and negotiations with policymakers. We will keep the information you provide confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Since July 1, which of the following changes have you been forced to make due to budget cuts or financial difficulties:

Question Title

* 2. If you answered "lay off staf"f in Q1, how many staff have you been forced to lay off since July 1 and how has this impacted your ability to serve clients?

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* 3. If you answered "eliminate programs" or "reduce service hours" in Q1, which programs have you eliminated/reduced and how has this negatively impacted the people you serve?

Question Title

* 4. Please estimate by how much demand for your organization's core services increased over the past 5 years:

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* 5. How would you plan for an additional 5% budget reduction to your organization? Check all that apply:

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* 6. If you answered "reduce service hours," “stop accepting new clients,” or "eliminate programs" in question Q5, what types of services/programs would be impacted and how will the changes affect the people you serve?

Question Title

* 7. If you answered "lay off staff", "reduce staff hours", "restructure employee benefits", or "freeze/reduce salaries" in Q5, explain how these staffing changes would have a negative impact on the people you serve and your community.

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* 8. Name

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* 9. Email

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* 10. Organization

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* 11. What types of services does your organization provide?

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* 12. How many people does your organization serve a year?

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* 13. How many people does your organization employ?

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* 14. Are you willing to testify before the legislature or speak with members of the press about the impact of budget cuts?