Organisation details

This form can be used to register up to six (6) different participants on as many courses as they wish.
You'll be required to fill in contact details for each participant so you may wish to have these details on hand before starting this form.

Course fees noted on this form are GST inclusive and do not include any discounts.
Discounts are applied at time of invoicing and are subject to our terms and conditions.
For information on discounts available please click here
Maximum attendees
To maximise attendee experience and avoid organisational capture, the maximum number of attendees from the same organisation on the same course/workshop (on the same date and in the same location) may be limited at the IoD's discretion. If your organisation wishes to train a large number of attendees, Boardroom Training is an alternative.

Question Title

* 1. Organisation name

Question Title

* 2. Organisation address

Question Title

* 3. Organisation contact name and phone number

Question Title

* 4. Organisation contact email address

Question Title

* 5. Is this your billing address?

Question Title

* 6. Purchase order number (where applicable)