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* 1. Please describe why you believe you deserve to be awarded the Mobius Institute scholarship.   * Please try to limit your response to less than 200 words.

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* 2. What difference will the scholarship make to you and your family?

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* 3. Why can't you pay for the course?

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* 4. If you are employed, why won't your company pay for the course?

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* 5. How much training have you had in the area of machinery vibration analysis?

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* 6. How would you use your new knowledge, skills and certification in vibration analysis?

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* 7. Please enter your home address and contact details.

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* 8. In which region of the world do you live?

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* 9. Basic conditions of scholarship.
  1. You must be able to understand English (in order to view the distance learning videos)
  2. You must have Internet access capable of streaming video
  3. We can use your name and photo when awarding the scholarship and on the Web-site and in other communications
  4. You are not already trained and certified by another company/institution
  5. If you are awarded the Grand Prize of all expenses paid to attend a CONNECT CONFERENCE:
    1. If you cannot get a visa to attend your chosen conference, you will attend a different conference
    2. You agree to abide by our decisions when it comes to what are reasonable travel, accommodation and meal costs
    3. You agree to join us on stage at the official awarding of your scholarship

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* 10. I accept the conditions of the scholarship program as listed below, and everything I have stated in this application is the truth.