Help us plan the future of Metuchen Public Library.

Your opinion is important to us.
Please respond to this brief survey about Metuchen Public Library. The results will be helpful as we plan improvements as part of our new strategic plan. Invite others in your household to take the survey as well. Complete as much as you can and go to the end of the survey. All comments are useful.

Enter for a chance to win a new iPad mini by completing this survey and entering your email address in the last question.

Question Title

* 1. Do you have a Metuchen Public Library card? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. How often do you use Metuchen Public Library?

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* 3. What other area libraries have you visited in the past six months? (please share why)(Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. In your opinion, how important is Metuchen Public Library to: (your response is required to continue)

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not important
You and/or your family
Metuchen Borough

Question Title

* 5. What are the main ways you and/or your family use Metuchen Public Library?(Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. What do you enjoy most about Metuchen Public Library?

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* 7. What is most disappointing about Metuchen Public Library or tell us what you would want improved? (your response is required to continue)

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* 8. If the Library building/grounds are updated, what would you like to see? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. What new or emerging technology resources would you like to see at Metuchen Public Library?

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* 10. How would you like the library to communicate activities and events with you? (Check all that you prefer)

Question Title

* 11. Your age is:

Question Title

* 12. The Friends of Metuchen Public Library is an organization that fundraises for library programs and materials. If you'd like to donate to their efforts or learn about volunteer opportunities, please include your email here:

Question Title

* 13. To receive the library's informative email newsletter and participate in the drawing for an iPad Mini, write your email here: