Your input is needed to help the only public legal information provider in San Diego County!

You Are Important To Us. Thank you for being a member! We know that you use the Law Library, our resources, and our services for your legal information needs. People count on us for access to the law. We want to provide services that are important to you. If you are not a member please read on and provide input to make the Law Library relevant to you.

Our Membership Program Must Change. When the current program began in 1995, every legal researcher used and needed print materials to practice law, so borrowing books was the only benefit of membership. Today most legal information is in digital format, yet our membership program is still focused on print material. It is time to change our program to adapt to modern legal research and provide services that are relevant to you. We are not abandoning print, but rather creating a program with a mix of print and electronic resources that we hope better suits all researchers.

• What services do you value?
• What is a reasonable price for those services?

Are we raising prices? Yes, we have to. The price of membership has remained the same for 22 years, while membership benefits and access to resources has expanded. At the same time, the cost of books and electronic resources has greatly increased. We know that you rely on us, so we want any price increase to be reasonable and reflect the value we provide.

Your feedback will help us create a variety of membership packages based on your needs instead of the one size fits all program that exists now. Please answer this short survey so we can build a better and more relevant program.

This will only take a few minutes – thanks!

Question Title

* 1. Are you a current law library member?

Question Title

* 2. Rate the value to you of the following services.

  No value to you / no need for it Valuable / would use it Extremely valuable to you / need access to it
Access to databases such as Westlaw, Lexis, CEB Onlaw
Ability to check out print materials such as practice guides and form books
Access to conference or meeting room space
Ability to advertise your business on our website
Private consultations with reference librarians for complex legal research questions
Remote access to a database such as Fastcase or Casemaker from your office/personal device

Question Title

* 3. Are you an attorney?

11% of survey complete.