We would like to find out better ways to deliver upcoming FSS events information to you in the near future. Please answer questions below and help us improve our service. Don't forget to add your comments before you submit your answers!

Question Title

* 1. What is your age group?

Question Title

* 2. Which one of the media below are you already aware of?

Question Title

* 3. Which one of the media below do you actually use to get your information form FSS and how would you rate them from #1 to #5?

  #1 My favorite! #2 it's good to have #3 I sometimes use it #4 I hardly ever use it #5 I don't use it. Needs to go away
Happenings Magazine
39FSS.com Website
39FSS Facebook Page
Base-Wide E-Mails
Event Posters at Facilities
Event Flyers at Facilities
CAC Slides

Question Title

* 4. What other ways do you think we should use to provide you information about upcoming FSS events?

Question Title

* 5. Enter any additional comments, suggestions, and or ideas here.
What you like most about provided media (Happenings, web, posters), what you like least about provided media, what kind of changes do you think will help you stay connected with FSS events, etc.

Question Title

* 6. When we calculate the survey results we might randomly pick some individuals about their suggestions/ideas. Please give us your contact information if you would like to be contacted. This might also get you a small prize!