Question Title

* 1. Do you read, or have you read, the COABE Journal either in print or online?

Question Title

* 2. What do you find most useful about the COABE Journal?

  Least Useful Somewhat Useful Neutral Useful Most Useful
Research-Based Practices
New Technologies
Classroom Applications
Adult Education/Adult Learning Trends
Policies/Legislation Impacting Adult Education

Question Title

* 3. How do you prefer to read/receive professional information?

  Least Preferred Somewhat Preferred Neutral Preferred Most Preferred
Electronically Through Websites
Electronically via Email
Print via Postal Mail

Question Title

* 4. What is your preferred source of information (authorship) of adult education-related articles?

  Least Preferred Somewhat Preferred Neutral Preferred Most Preferred
Those Identified as Experts in the Field
Scholars or Researchers Affiliated with Universities or Organizations Specializing in Research
Practitioners from the Field (Teachers, Administrators, etc...)
Adult Education Organization Leaders (COABE, World Ed, TESOL, etc...)
Policy Makers, Legislators, or Legislative Staff

Question Title

* 5. What length of practitioner-related article (classroom practice, techniques, resources/materials) are you most likely to read? Select one:

Question Title

* 6. What length of research-focused article (research studies) are you most likely to read? Select one:

Question Title

* 7. What length of legislative, policy, or advocacy-focused article are you most likely to read? Select one:

Question Title

* 8. In 15 words, or less, what are items/characteristics you want to see in adult education publications produced by COABE?