Discovery Survey - Maternal and Child Health

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Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective on the needs of families in your community and around Washington State!

Survey submissions are anonymous. Names are not collected during the survey process and there will be no attempt to associate an individual’s responses with their identity or use responses to identify individuals.

Why we are conducting this survey
Every five years, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) completes an assessment of the health of children, parents and caregivers, and families in the state. The information we gather helps us identify priorities which guide the work we do. DOH conducts the Discovery Survey as part of this process. The aim of the Discovery Survey is to learn about what people like you feel are the most important things affecting the health of women, youth, and families. This information on what you think, especially on what is working and what might be improved on, is important to us.

The survey consists of ten total questions. The first two ask about your views and opinions on what helps women, youth, and families thrive and what isn’t being done that might help them thrive. The rest of the questions are optional and are there to help us understand who is answering the survey. We know that some of the questions on this survey may be sensitive. Your responses will be kept confidential, and no attempt will be made to identify you. If you receive services, your participation will not affect those services in any way.

How your response will help
We will add your survey responses to other information we collect, including other survey responses from your community and around the state. All this information will help us create a list of statewide priorities that guide funding and work planning for the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant programming.

If you have any questions about this survey, or other questions related to our work with women, youth, and families, please contact us at:

Your answers to the following questions will help us learn about the needs of families from your perspective. Families may include children, parents, and other caregivers or relatives. Please be as specific and detailed as possible.
1.What are the most important things families need to live their fullest lives?
2.What are the biggest unmet needs of families in your community?
The following questions are about you.  Your answers will help determine if we are meeting our goals to be inclusive and address needs in all of Washington State.  This helps us know who has taken the survey, and who else we may need to reach out to.  Please note: all demographic questions below are optional.
3.I am a... (please indicate all of the following groups that you identify with)
4.What County do you live in? If you live in more than one county, please select the one where you spend the most time.
5.What zip code do you live in? If you live in more than one zip code, please select the one where you spend the most time.
6.What age group (in years) are you in?
7.Do you identify as Hispanic or Latin(o, a, x, e), or are you from a country in Latin America?
8.Please indicate which of the following you identify as (check all that apply).
9.Below is a list of terms that people may use to describe their gender identity. Please choose all that apply.
10.Below is a list of terms that people often use to describe their sexuality or sexual orientation. Please choose all that apply.
THANK YOU for taking this Discovery Survey!  We appreciate your time and effort to help us improve the health of women, youth, and families in Washington. If you have any other questions, feedback, or observations that you would like to share about this Needs Assessment or the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant, please reach out to us at