Downtown Riverfront Park Survey #3

Welcome to the third survey for Eugene's future Downtown Riverfront Park! This is the last survey for this phase of the project and we're eager to hear what you think about the refined vision for this legacy project. We particularly want to know if we hit the mark in designing a project that is responsive to what we've heard from the community. Take a look and let us know what you like and if there are opportunities for further refinement in any area you care about!

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Since we last met, we've taken feedback from the three different concept plans we presented and developed a final plan for public comment. Importantly, we didn't select one plan from three previous designs, but rather we digested a lot of public comment and formulated a final preferred plan that we feel responds really well to public sentiment. This design will likely continue to evolve, so your thoughts about whether or not we got it right are vital to the next phases of design! 

As a reminder, and for context, this site has been an important component of the Master Plan visioning of the Riverfront Redevelopment Site for many years and is bordered by Skinner Butte Park to the north and University of Oregon North Campus property to the south. Alton Baker Park is directly across the Willamette and accessible via the Peter DeFazio Bridge. The map below shows the updated park site in a bright yellow green shading overlaid on an aerial photo of the existing property.

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